by The Squirrell
4. August 2014 23:51
"Tried" to go clay shooting today....
by The Squirrell
19. July 2014 23:39
After a prolonged absence from some of
my oldest friends, I decided to remedy this
with a "Boys Night" !
(Jane signed off the AWOL form and it was ON !!)
After a "Typically Matt" somewhat chaotic dash around
the event was on and building momentum!!
I set up a gazebo in the garden (We all know why!!!)
made suitable food and drink arrangements and
invited a few beloved friends for food, chatter, (And a
"Cheeky Sherry" or 2 !)
It was a lovely, chilled, evening, tainted with a pang of
empathy for my donor, his friends, and loved ones, who
will no longer be able to boast a similar experience...
We toasted my donor, and all held a dignified and respectful
moment to give thanks for our lives, loved ones, and for the
rekindled laughter of old....
by The Squirrell
4. July 2014 23:02
Dear Followers,
Sorry for my absence from the blogging arena !
The duties of "Daddy" seem to fill every minute of every day!
(No complaints, as he is fantastic, bright, funny, charaterful
little guy!)
I am eternally grateful to my donor for
allowing me the opportunity to spend more
time with my loved ones and to allow me to pack
everyday full of experiences, memories and laughter!
Sam and I have "Adventures" and go here there and everywhere
on our "Boys Days" (Mainly in the hunt for steam trains, cars, and
any large machinery for which he and I share a fascination !)
Here are some pictures from this month so you can see
(to all those friends who enquire,) the lads progress... !
by The Squirrell
3. July 2014 21:34
Today was a routine check up at QEH.
Always an axious time, you HOPE they will give you
some reassurance that all is going okay and that your
"MOT" will keep you going longer, but this is tinged with
a FEAR that they will find a problem....
Thankfully, all went okay, and apart from a telling off
about my weight gain, I am good to go until my next
routine check up!
( Wipes brow and resists temptation to celebrate with a cake!! )
by The Squirrell
29. June 2014 19:15
Today Jane, Samuel and I entered the Chipping Sodbury
Classic car event/run.
We dug out the Daimler, fired it up and had a lovely
day out!
The car, Samuels digestive tract, and my ticker were all reliable!!
(Even got to see my old School teacher after 20+ years. Added bonus!)
by The Squirrell
6. June 2014 19:19
Further to my April post...
I sold the trials bike as I realised it was to dangerous
in my condition so opted for something safer and more
restrained !!
by The Squirrell
29. May 2014 19:00
May rolled over me!...
Although life and my ticker cruised through May 2014
I managed to take a few shots of life and my blossoming
little lad....
by The Squirrell
29. April 2014 19:12
I had a great idea for keeping fit over
the summer!...
What could possibly go wrong?!
by The Squirrell
8. April 2014 23:38
Samuel is a huge steam train fan (Thanks to "Thomas the tank engine"!)
Today I took him and "Grampy" out for a day out on one!
He was great and loved every minute of it!
My ticker chuffed me along all day without a hitch to !
by The Squirrell
16. March 2014 23:49
Due to lots of family issues, etc I have neglected my blog
a bit.
Happily I seem to be on a level field at present so am
"Making hay while the sun shines" !
Sadly other loved ones are not faring so well, so we must
all adopt the"Carpe diem" mantra ! :-(
Here is a montage from my "March photo diary" !
(Thank you to all who ask after me and us all. Your ongoing support and
love is of enormous comfort to us all.)