Firstly my thanks, and ever growing appreciation to my
darling Jane ! x
She NEVER utters the words....
"Christ! What hair brain idea now.....?!"
"I hate to say I told you so !..."
Or even
"Nope! You can take that back, to where you found it!...."
My latest flash of "genius" came from a (Valid and very sane!)
suggestion from Jane, along the lines of, "As winters drawing in, why don't
you get a "little project" to do?.....Inside?......Perhaps a model?...." So I
(In true Matt fashion!) lept on this, and (In true Matt fashion) began to
do my research and look at Airfix kits etc....Then realised, this was NOT
"True Matt fashion"!!.....
So scaled things up a bit, set the bar a bit higher, donned my thinking cap,
considered my (limited spacial options!) and financial status, and had
another flash of genius!....(Or madness??!)
I decided, I am going to build an Enduro Style Motorbike, and road register it!!
What could possibly go wrong??!.....