Dad and I took ourselves off to the famed
Goodwood revival race meeting this weekend.
Sadly I have an AWFUL chest infection, so am out of breath,
lethargic, and really LOW. But I dragged my sorry a*se out
of bed and loaded up the motorhome and we left thursday
afternoon (intending to stay until Monday to see it all !!)
"Typical Matt" it was all a bit improvised, and less than organised,
but we got our tickets sorted, camping site booked, food stashed,
and off we trotted!
After 2 days at it, I threw in the towel and we came
home Sundayas I just couldn't breath, and the walking
was going to put to much strain on my poor old ticker
I felt...(No point getting this far post TX and kicking
the bucket just to see a few extra cars?!!)
It was an AMAZING weekend though with some AMAZING cars
to behold.
The costumes people wore were almost as impressive! I had a suit
for every day and got a lot of laughs and pictures taken of me !
(Not sure if it was people laughing WITH me or
laughing AT me though?!)
Either way I don't care!!
Here are just a few pics to give you an idea of what went on...