Billy Connolly once said......
"There's no such things as bad weather, Just inappropriate clothing!"
How true!
I have been in bed the last few days, with a temp, and awful Flu
like symptoms, and a blocked nose trying to break in?! So today
I threw off my duvet, and lethergy, and decided some "S**t or Bust"
action was required?
I decided that if warmth and rest wasn't making me better, then I would
try the COMPLETE opposite, so exercise in the cold was required?!....
I dug out my old Power Boat Race suit/overalls, that are insulated,
waterproof, hooded, and imperviuous to most waether, my best fur hat,
(I felt I owed it to the Chinchillas memories, who all gave up thier lives
for the hat?!) And my trusted (and hated by all !) shades, and set
off in the snow....
I am so pleased I did....I had forgotten the crisp majesty of it all. Also
I had forgotten how lucky I am to live in the wonder of natures back garden!
The virgin snow, animal tracks, bird foot prints allowed a rare glimps into
thier daily routes.... I LOVED IT !! :-)