Hard going!...

by The Squirrell 30. October 2011 20:27

The last few days have been a test for the new internals!


Gutted the garage, reinsulated all the roof, insulated and panelled

the walls (To stop damp/condensation!)


Even painting the floors (Only half done so far) in preperation for

the new car that arrives (Hopefully?!) next week!!


I am exhausted...Everything hurts, back, knees, legs, arms,

BUT NO CHEST PAINS! (Still astounded by the transformation

in health my transplant has given me!)


Lets home the new car appreciates it!!




What a great night out!!...

by The Squirrell 18. October 2011 20:07

I bought 2 tickets to "We will rock you" (The Queen musical.)

Sadly Jane was not up to going, due to the impending baby!

(Due Mid November - Watch this space...)

I took my Dad, at short notice! WE LOVED IT...

We had a GREAT night out, and the cold walk

back to the car did not phase the Mk2 Heart!!

What a great night out!....


About Matt.

My name's Matt. I was born with a congenital heart defect which hampered me in my youth, and sadly became a terminal conditon recently, and beyond the (amazing) care of the BRI-Bristol Heart team.

In 2008, my condition deteriorated, to a point I was happy to see Xmas 2008. I had prepared to die.

Then in January 2009, a late night phone call from QEH-Hospital Birmingham changed my world, when they offered me a heart transplant, if I could get there pronto!!

6 months on, after a rocky start, I am still alive, thanks to them!

Read on to see how my new life is taking shape, and my adventures to date!....



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