by The Squirrell
30. October 2011 20:27
The last few days have been a test for the new internals!
Gutted the garage, reinsulated all the roof, insulated and panelled
the walls (To stop damp/condensation!)
Even painting the floors (Only half done so far) in preperation for
the new car that arrives (Hopefully?!) next week!!
I am exhausted...Everything hurts, back, knees, legs, arms,
BUT NO CHEST PAINS! (Still astounded by the transformation
in health my transplant has given me!)
Lets home the new car appreciates it!!
by The Squirrell
18. October 2011 20:07
I bought 2 tickets to "We will rock you" (The Queen musical.)
Sadly Jane was not up to going, due to the impending baby!
(Due Mid November - Watch this space...)
I took my Dad, at short notice! WE LOVED IT...
We had a GREAT night out, and the cold walk
back to the car did not phase the Mk2 Heart!!
What a great night out!....