I have currently got a "Bee in my Bonnet" !
After a £90.00 charge for my medications/pills I began to
look into NHS rulings on FREE prescriptions etc.
Turns out, unless you meet a series of criteria you do not qualify!
(However if you are over 65, unemployed, asylum seeker, etc you CAN
get FREE NHS care for everything!)
UK residents who meet certain criteria CAN get a "Medical Exemption"
card for free prescriptions etc with an FP92A form. (In brief) If you have Cancer,
are a Diabetic, or have certain other illnesses you CAN get an exemption
card for "Life Preserving" lifelong medication! I felt this was unfair as we Transplant
patients also need "Life Preserving" medication to combat rejection etc, and
it is also a life long requirement, so WE ALSO meet this description!
So in "Typical Matt Style" I decided this was unfair, and have resolved to
solve this discrminatory policy! Mr Cameron has a letter en route, so do
numerous other depts!
You to can help me achieve this goal ! I made an online petition you can sign!
Please help me/US..... Thank you !