May 2015

by The Squirrell 15. May 2015 22:30

Fun from May 2015...


Health improving, but weigh gaining..




April 2015

by The Squirrell 15. April 2015 22:23

As this month slides by my health remains stable...


The tablets still keep spirits low, and the body lethargic,

but we press on with a positive mindset, and a thankful

soul, for extra time with loved ones...


As ever with thoughts to my donor and family who must 

think of each other every day...


I will upload a few pics from this months activities !



by The Squirrell 27. March 2015 22:43

March has ticked along...


Thankfully my health has been level so I

have been trying to do as much as possible

with my days!


The Flu bug is begining to ease a bit now 

so my joints etc are not as painful and I

feel more inclined to do more...


Sam as ever, is great company as Jane 

appreciates a bit of peace when we are

off doing our "Boys things"! 


Happily Sam takes a keen interest in everything

and has discovered "cleaning"! He and I enjoy

the weekends and evenings cleaning the cars and bike/s

etc (I think he finds it satisfying. He can see the results...)


...And what kids doesn't love soaking Dad with a hosepipe ?!




Marina RIP...

by The Squirrell 7. February 2015 22:18

February has been a sad one here...


Janes Mum passed away. We are all very sad and

coming to terms with the loss of a lovely lady,

a wonderful mother, a magnificent Grandma, and

all round lovable character.


May she rest in peace with our love. x


However, as the darkness lifted a bit, we all

celebrated our youngest daughters 16th Birthday

which bought some happiness and light to all.

(I even made a cake!!)












Since then I have busied 

my self (With an eager Samuel.)

We love to be outside doing things and being active.

As the out house renovations continue, Sam takes

a keen interest and has been  doing far more than

I expected he was capable of !!


He has been cementing, painting, drilling, putting in screws,

and all sorts ! I am very proud of him...


As the puppy grows he is now able to go for walks

and we take him out as the excerise is good for us

me and him!


Here are some random pictures from February.





by The Squirrell 3. January 2015 21:59

Apologies all for the lack of updates!


I have been really poorly recently and frankly

just not up to "blogging".


Due to my lowered immune system the Flu big I got in

JULY is still raging and now some 6 months on I wish

it would sod off !!


QEH have been great and given me anti biotics for 

chest infections etc but sadly there's no cure for the flu !

(As the NHS flu jab only worked on 3% of the population

I guess I was not one of the lucky 3%?!)


Despite feeling lousy, life has been full of laughter fun, and



Sam has been "helping" to renovate one of our out buildings

into a more useable space, and we have also been watching the

puppy turn into a large, clumsy, not very bright, but loving dog !


I also celebrated 6 years post transplant. I was very happy,

but still my thoughtswere with the donor, and his family who

must also mark this day, but for much worse reasons...

You are all in my thoughts. x



by The Squirrell 22. December 2014 23:08

Our house has been empty since loosing our

beloved Louis 2 years ago (almost) so it

was with much pestering Sam and the girls

have a new play mate...


Welcome "Ronnie" !!


(NOT my choice of names, but a ganging up of offspring

and an out vote !!)



by The Squirrell 22. December 2014 23:04

Mac the Otter is back !!





by The Squirrell 18. December 2014 23:17

Treated Sam to the Cinema today!...


Comes to something when you have to

pay for an extra (V.I.P!) seat for his stuffed dog !!




Samuel is 3 !!

by The Squirrell 8. November 2014 22:58

Samuel is 3 today !!


What a wonderful little boy whom i would like to

thank for all the love, laughter, and light

he brings me everyday...


Happy Birthday my love.... x



by The Squirrell 28. October 2014 01:37

Rest in Peace.


Thanks for all the laughter and love.


Going to miss you very much.


About Matt.

My name's Matt. I was born with a congenital heart defect which hampered me in my youth, and sadly became a terminal conditon recently, and beyond the (amazing) care of the BRI-Bristol Heart team.

In 2008, my condition deteriorated, to a point I was happy to see Xmas 2008. I had prepared to die.

Then in January 2009, a late night phone call from QEH-Hospital Birmingham changed my world, when they offered me a heart transplant, if I could get there pronto!!

6 months on, after a rocky start, I am still alive, thanks to them!

Read on to see how my new life is taking shape, and my adventures to date!....



Month List