by The Squirrell
15. June 2012 19:06
Today hailed ANOTHER milestone for QEH and
my new heart!! (Well recycled!)
I got to SEE and ENJOY my 40th Birthday!
Jane got some food in, I invited close family and old
friends and we had a relaxed (If soaked to the skin!)
mini celebration!!
What a lucky boy!!
by The Squirrell
11. June 2012 19:06
June seems to be the month of milestones for me!
QEH have allowed me the extra time on earth to see
our darling Emily turn 18 !!
We had a lovely day, just chilling out and doing what she
wanted (ie; stay in and receive fuss from everyone!)
We had a lovely meal out to celebrate with her (Before she
hit the tiles and had her 1st LEGAL pub crawl!!) We went to a lovely
place and all enjoyed an excuse to dress up, but what about poor
little Samuel?...
How do you dress a baby for dinner?........
SORTED!! ;-)
(He handled his jelly cocktail with due finess!)