Apologies all for the lack of updates!
I have been really poorly recently and frankly
just not up to "blogging".
Due to my lowered immune system the Flu big I got in
JULY is still raging and now some 6 months on I wish
it would sod off !!
QEH have been great and given me anti biotics for
chest infections etc but sadly there's no cure for the flu !
(As the NHS flu jab only worked on 3% of the population
I guess I was not one of the lucky 3%?!)
Despite feeling lousy, life has been full of laughter fun, and
Sam has been "helping" to renovate one of our out buildings
into a more useable space, and we have also been watching the
puppy turn into a large, clumsy, not very bright, but loving dog !
I also celebrated 6 years post transplant. I was very happy,
but still my thoughtswere with the donor, and his family who
must also mark this day, but for much worse reasons...
You are all in my thoughts. x