40 Today!.......

by The Squirrell 15. June 2012 19:06

Today hailed ANOTHER milestone for QEH and 

my new heart!! (Well recycled!)


I got to SEE and ENJOY my 40th Birthday!


Jane got some food in, I invited close family and old

friends and we had a relaxed (If soaked to the skin!)

mini celebration!!


What a lucky boy!!


Comments (2) -

6/26/2012 3:08:38 PM #

Simon Uglow

Congratulations on the milestone. Lovely pictures of you all, and great looking cake, although the track layout seems to have changed since I raced there last? BTW, nice table full of food, what were the others having?

Simon Uglow United Kingdom | Reply

6/26/2012 4:42:00 PM #


Thanks. It felt an even bigger milestone for me, after being told I'd be dead almost 4 years ago...Life has a different perspective for me, and even the smallest of things feel triumphant (Like walking up stairs in one go, being able to eat a whole meal without having to stop and warm it up, picking something up without fainting etc!!) Castle coombe has changed, they made it MUCH smaller and an OVAL...The cake is actually to scale!!  Jane got some catering Co to do a few nibbles, sadly the rest of the guests didn't run fast enough and they went home hungry!!  Smile

matt United Kingdom | Reply

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About Matt.

My name's Matt. I was born with a congenital heart defect which hampered me in my youth, and sadly became a terminal conditon recently, and beyond the (amazing) care of the BRI-Bristol Heart team.

In 2008, my condition deteriorated, to a point I was happy to see Xmas 2008. I had prepared to die.

Then in January 2009, a late night phone call from QEH-Hospital Birmingham changed my world, when they offered me a heart transplant, if I could get there pronto!!

6 months on, after a rocky start, I am still alive, thanks to them!

Read on to see how my new life is taking shape, and my adventures to date!....



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